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From the Editor
Putting An Antisemite In Her Place
"Candace, you can choose to teach your son that your problems are because of the Jew. I choose to teach my children that their exceptionalism can bring…
12 hrs ago
Echoes of Munich
"I continue to hope against hope for a balanced and sensible cease-fire that will return all of the remaining hostages. But Hamas could make that…
Sep 5
Hints of Eternity
"I now notice there are specific verses I've recited my whole life that never quite clicked — until I reached a moment of personal import or crossroads…
Sep 3
Six More Lives. Six More Gut Punches. Six More Reasons.
"Once again this morning I find myself feeling sick, like millions of other Jews — and millions of other people — who understand that peace, like ANY…
Sep 1
August 2024
Un-silenced Joy: Balancing Celebration and Grief in Israel’s Ongoing Crisis
"We shouldn't judge someone who has endured hell, nor should we condemn those who see things differently. We're living through impossible times; it's no…
Aug 30
A Blessing or a Curse?
We have before us a monumental decision. Which will we choose?
Aug 28
That Date In 1897 When...
...Theodor Herzl convened the first World Zionist Congress in Switzerland, with 200 delegates from 16 different countries. Herzl would later note in his…
Aug 26
So I'm a "good Jew!" (who knew??)
"The root of spirituality isn't always in the detail of who we pray to. It is the notion that we are connecting with a benevolent source that is beyond…
Aug 22
Speaking to the Future: An 'Ethical Will'
"When asked if the universe has a purpose, Elie Wiesel replied: 'I hope so, and if it doesn’t, it’s up to us to give it one.' Writing an ethical will…
Aug 15
That Date When
The Rabbi Moses Ben Nachman was forced to flee Spain in 1263 for Jerusalem – where he built the famous synagogue in The Old City that still stands…
Aug 12
The First Jewish President of the United States
"From local to state to federal offices, Jewish Americans have been serving our country at every level of government for centuries. History tells us…
Aug 7
That Date When
the U.S. government was informed of Hitler’s plan to deport and annihilate 4 million European Jews.
Aug 5
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