Welcome to JEWDICIOUS!

If you’re someone who likes soaking up fresh points of view to see life’s complexities through a historically unique lens — JEWDICIOUS might be just your groove.

WHO WE ARE: 18 Jewish voices in North America and Israel whose identities have been shaped by our common background — as have the prisms through which we see humanity.

The shared history of the Jewish People has cultivated the imperatives of challenging the status quo — and speaking out. It has also birthed some of the boldest and most consequential voices in the world. We realize it’s a tall order to emulate those icons on our Mount Rushstein — but it is precisely their legacy that inspires us to take our shot!

WHAT WE DO: Opinion! The “Scribe Tribe” has one common goal: To share new ideas and personal perspectives that will hit your head or touch your heart.

From navigating the nuances of family and relationships to unpacking history and politics to finding the human angle on sports and entertainment — plus our unsparing take on what’s happening in the Jewish world — the canvas at JEWDICIOUS is limitless!

WHY WE WRITE: Members of the JEWDICIOUS tribe view this venture as an opportunity to engage in our understanding of Tikkun Olam: Working together in an effort to improve the world. It is one of the seminal concepts in Jewish antiquity, yet more relevant than ever today.

We approach our task with chutzpah, yet always tempered by humility. We write with love and with purpose — to advocate for what we believe in — while fostering an open exchange of ideas with new friends. JOIN US!

If you like what you’re reading at JEWDICIOUS — please pass it along to friends and family! Subscriptions are free through the end of 2024. And if the urge strikes you to submit your own guest commentary, never hesitate to reach out!

**For folks who’d like to have nuggets of Jewish History delivered to you daily — check out our partner publication: DUST AND STARS!

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Be part of a community of people who share your interests. Read compelling perspectives that are enlightening, entertaining — and based in fact. Our goal at JEWDICIOUS is to leave you feeling more knowledgeable and powerful to make the kind of difference in the world that’s most important to you! 🌏

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A tribe of 18 scribes breaking down life's complexities through a Jewish lens. Our writing is inspired by the concept of Tikkun Olam: Doing our part to repair the world!


By The Scribe Tribe
PNW Web designer