From the Editor:

On behalf of the entire JEWDICIOUS team, allow me to set out the welcome mat and extend our most sincere thanks for giving us a look. I think you’re going to fall in love with this tribe of gifted writers and thinkers who’ll be sharing their thoughts and experiences here.

Based on the title of our publication, you might have a few questions. For instance, you might be wondering whether or not you need to be Jewish to derive full enjoyment and benefit from our content. The definitive answer: NO!!

You might further ask whether the writers in our group are all “religious.” The answer to that is that we’re all over the board. To be clear, this editorial forum is not at all about the strictures of formal religion. JEWDICIOUS is for folks who simply like to read about interesting subjects — presented in the grand Jewish tradition of great storytelling.

To be sure, our 18 columnists are inspired by the Jewish background that we share. But our first objective is to deliver content that offers you new knowledge or fresh ways of looking at things.

We believe that by being open to new thoughts and ideas that challenge our mindsets, we all become more powerful in pursuing our own life’s purpose. When readers tell us that they felt strengthened or nourished after absorbing one of our pieces, then we know that we’re in the vicinity of the bullseye.

JEWDICIOUS is our humble literary contribution to “Tikkun Olam” — taking action to help repair the world. Though this Hebrew phrase first appeared in the Jewish Talmud roughly two centuries ago, it’s a concept that is universal. And our team’s shared belief in it is yet another element that binds us together.

We hope that some of the points we lay out on these pages will resonate with you. And no matter what your background, whenever you ever feel strongly enough about a subject or viewpoint that you want to submit your own editorial to JEWDICIOUS, never hesitate. Our inbox awaits!

On a personal note, for me JEWDICIOUS feels like the inevitable destination of a long and winding career that has always been driven by storytelling. As far back as the time I spent as a TV and radio reporter in the 90s, on the eve of the digital era, I dreamed of assembling a roster of talented journalists who would create engrossing newsmagazine content — while never sacrificing the goal of public service.

The media playing field has transformed dramatically since that time, and so the dream has morphed too. All these years later, having the opportunity to convene this squad of writers and share their creativity is both an honor and a privilege.

Setting sentimentality aside, I am well aware that the bottom line in this endeavor will be the product we deliver to you. What Bill Gates first announced three decades ago is still true: “Content is King.” All that matters here is the writing — and we expect you to judge us wholly on the strength of our ideas and the quality of our words.   

The JEWDICIOUS team believes that excellent opinion journalism is fact-based, ethical, engaging, and has a point. These four traits congeal to form our central mission: to write judiciously as we try to connect our ideas with your sensibilities — in an effort to better connect us all.

It adds up!


Free subscriptions to JEWDICIOUS are available until the end of 2023!

**JEWDICIOUS is a nonprofit opinion journalism entity — all net revenue is donated to RepairTheWorld.