I asked my father about it once, because he never spoke about it. He said, "I can't talk about it," and a tear rolled down his cheek. I never asked him again.

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What a beautiful and inspiring story!

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Thanks, Sophia. Such brutal stuff. Check out Dust & Stars for more fascinating moments in Jewish History!! https://dustandstars.substack.com

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So true, Victoria. Check out Dust & Stars for more fascinating moments in Jewish History!! https://dustandstars.substack.com

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A tragically beautiful story - among so many - and they all need to be told, remembered and respected.

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Thank you for sharing a story of resilience and resistance.

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Michael, great retelling of another preventable tragedy.

The world has similarly left the hostages savagely abducted by Hamas to their fate. Utterly preventable--if anybody but Israel cared.

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