I share your opinion.

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Thank you Ian!

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Hollywood denigrating Jewish women is not new. The entire cultural phenomena surrounding Jewish women with the negative stereotype of the JAP came from Jewish men in Hollywood. Now that it is ok or even de rigeur to be anti-Jewish, especially in the progressive legions of the film industry, why would they think that denigrating Jewish women was a bad thing? Promoting antisemitic stereotypes is Hollywood's go to especially for Jewish women.

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Thank you for sharing this interesting perspective. I hadn’t seen Hollywood this way before. But now I’m doing up with all kinds of examples.

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I wrote a now archived website and wrote about this years ago. If your interested it can be found here


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Will check it out :)

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Me too!

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Debbie Weiss nailed it here. I feel sorry for Tova Feldshuh who has had a solid career portraying interesting Jewish women, including the great Golda Meir. I imagine it becomes harder to find good roles as one ages, so you’re reduced to portraying an unattractive stereotype. In general, the writing for this series is third rate.

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Thank you and agreed on the writing.

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I agree with most of what you wrote.

I was uncomfortable watching the show

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Well, in the Land of Woke that is Hollywood white is evil and Jews are white and also the most evil, and might as well layer on the racist/ethnic stereotypes while they’re at it.

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This is always where people making your case cannot answer. They have to drop off. When any people are ruled by an autocratic regime (in this case terrorist), there's just no room for the neighboring peoples to have peace together. What is necessary is protest against Hamas. Try to get leaders into Gaza who can cut a deal. They came so close in 2000 before Arafat pulled the plug. Gotta get a new regime in there who doesn't mind Jews living on the earth. Just ask a president who was there. "In the room." - MG https://thegoldenmean2040.substack.com/p/a-former-president-presents-inconvenient

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Thank you, Susan. I said the same thing to Debbie about Tovah’s role when I read her article. What a waste. She was fantastic in Kissing Jessica Stein — largely because of the ROLE that was written for her. - MG 🌞

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Debbie! I was surprised to read your take on this show. My best friend was the one who introduced me to Nobody Wants this. She's also Jewish, also named Debbie. :) Though my friend is deeply affected by the events in Gaza, she did not express anti-semitic concerns about the show, and I watched the show without any preconceived notions of the ideas you so eloquently expressed.

Believe it or not, I didn't think of the women's behavior being characterized as that of Jewish women. I didn't even know the stereotypes you mentioned were stereotypes, and I grew up with many Jewish friends! I simply recognized it as catty, exclusionary behavior that all women (not just Jewish women) can display as they circle protectively around the friend or family member who got her heart broken.

Even in their roles as wives, there are "nags" and "harpies" to be found in all cultures since the beginning of time. I just re-read Rip Van Winkle, which gives a brutal and hilarious description of a wife who wouldn't give her husband a moment's peace!

I hope you'll give the show another chance in its second season. My guess is that the writers will take the feedback of the Jewish community and do a better job of writing the female characters as intended: multi-faceted women who had a lot of emotional investment in Rebecca and Noah living happily ever after.

Even if you don't agree with my possibly naive impressions, I thank you for pointing out this view of the show. I'll be watching to see if/how the writers shift gears!

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Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Ann. I do agree that many shows, especially rom coms, rely on traditional stereotypes of women for humor, having characters be catty or obsessed with men or marriage in furtherance of the plot. But I did find these characters to be particularly one note and exclusionary which, to me, was troubling since they were all Jewish, all so similar, and acting against a gentle woman who was portrayed as dizzily adorable. But what I perceive as a condescending and negative portrayal of Jewish women may also have been more a lack of oversight than anything else. I do look forward to the second season and expect it will be different.

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As a writer who hopes to find more fiction in her future, this conversation has given me a lot to think about. How to write characters that are funny and further the plot, while also conveying something interesting and unexpected about them. Hmmm...

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Ann, this is a great comment. Thoughtful and provoking further thought -- we need more of that! Though from my own personal experience I felt the same way Debbie did, I do see your point about it applying to a broader population. I think we're all so much a product of where we came from and how we grew up -- and I love how honest and straightforward Debbie is in conveying how it factors into her opinions on JEWDICIOUS.

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Michael, I absolutely agree. And I'm even more interested to watch the show again through the lens of Debbie's perspective!

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Agree and yet, the writer is a STRONG ally and at a time when all Jews are portrayed horribly everywhere, I felt that at least half the Jews on the show were lovable. to me, Erin Foster’s advocacy at a time when it is hard to be an ally, allowed me to still love the show

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It’s incorrect to call her an ally. That implies she is an outsider, she’s not. She converted, she’s a Jew. Meaning she is worthy of your full praise, or fury, as you see fit, as a card-carrying member of our mishpacha.

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I appreciate your perspective, thank you!

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Yes to all of this! I'm not easily offended, but screw this portrayal of Jewish women. Also - something about the "Jewish men are these delicate, kind little flowers who are just sadly manipulated by Jewish women" made me so angry. Taking a moment to defend Rebecca - This guy dates Rebecca for a long time, buys a ring to marry her, and then tells her in a single moment that he doesn't feel anything for her after she's banked on marrying him. How is it that he comes out of that situation looking rosy and she's the bitchy one?

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Agreed. The men did come across as weak and cowed by their wives. You are right on Rebecca, but I figured it was a plot device so the main character would be single.

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I noticed. I wrote a whole rant about why the entire show sucked. The terrible misogyny and antisemitism only being the beginning.

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The entire concept of this show is deeply offensive.

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At any point during the film do the Jewesses attempt to take over the world?

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No, they just had nice houses in Los Angeles, but it might have been interesting.

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An actual Jewess meeting at the devil's hour at a cemetery in Prague would have at least been like watching a train wreck.

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I totally agree. I watched the series and was disappointed and angry. All the Jews were portrayed in stereotypical and unflattering ways. Of course, the portrayal of the women was especially egregious. Hollywood - with all its rich powerful Jews - should be able to do better.

I have shared this on Facebook.

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Thank you Carol! Happy to know I’m not alone and yes, Hollywood should be able to do better! It felt like there was a real lack of oversight on this.

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My non-Jewish second (and forever) wife learned about the show and we binge watched the entire first season over a weekend. We both loved it and can't wait for the next season. While I found the exclusionary attituded of the women on the show to be a negative, I understand it, and was surprised that the mother didn't confront her son and explain what they went through in Russia, and why preservation of the religion is so important to them. That would have negated a lot of the criticism of the female Jewish characters.

I hope that in season 2 that confrontation takes place, and as Noah and Joanne get more serious. there is some level of tolerance for their relationship.

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Thank you for the excellent points, Larry! My second life partner is also not Jewish nor was my late husband. I like your idea of the mother explaining her history. It would have given her an intellect and some dimension. I hope the second season gives the women characters more brains in general. And more tolerance as well.

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The overwhelming number of sitcoms are comprised of non-Jewish characters, but it's never mentioned or even eluded to. When they do something stupid, we don’t think they did it because they’re Christian. They do say and do ridiculous things, and nobody attributes it to Christianity. Whether good or bad, the writer has attempted to confront the religious divide through a sitcom. If you want to destroy stereotypes, first, you have to show them how ridiculous they are. This is going to piss off a lot of people (maybe even you, and I’m sorry), but from one Jew to another, Jews are spending a lot of time and energy blaming antisemitism on things like this show. A sitcom isn’t creating antisemitism; the genocide in Gaza is doing that.

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The only “genocide” in this war is the one attempted against the Jews on Oct 7 - which was only stopped after 1200 were slaughtered and 250 abducted (in the most savage single day massacre this century) because the Jews are no longer helpless and stateless.

20,000 civilians out of 2.3 million killed after 15 months of war, with the civilian:combatant casualty ratio of approximately 1:1 the lowest in the history of modern urban warfare, in the most challenging battlefield conditions ever faced by a modern army, as attested to by multiple unbiased military experts, does not a “genocide” make.

After the nonexistential 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by a grand total of 20 individuals, the US killed hundreds of thousands and brought down two countries. So please, take your profoundly ignorant sanctimonious hypocrisy elsewhere.

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Thank you, Liora. Working on something right now, and it overlaps with the facts you cited. Imagine if facts were enough.

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Outstanding responses: accurate, thorough and well-argued. I’m currently reading a book I highly recommend called “Jews Against Themselves,” which surveys the history of Jews who incite hatred against their own people.

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You drank the Kool Aid. There’s a reason why the entire world has turned against Israel and it’s NOT because EVERYONE is antisemitic. Why can’t Jews EVER admit that Israel is capable of wrongdoing? Why is Israel quite literally the only country on the planet that is above reproach? You have your figures wrong as well; it’s over 46,000 killed, not to mention that they have eviscerated Gaza and wiped out history and monuments that have existed for centuries. Israel is wiping out history. Have you seen what Gaza looks like? Were the majority of Gazans responsible for October 7th? No. It’s called collective punishment. Israel took a page out of Hitler’s manual. Are Jewish lives more important than other lives? No. Do Palestinians have military financed to the tune of billions by the US. What makes all this worse as that people like you saying it’s not so bad. Only 20,000 civilians have been killed. You’re a monster.

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I drank the Kool Aid? I’m the monster?

Talk about projection….

Read the recent Andrew Fox report. And read my words more carefully.

I wrote 20,000 civilians. The Hamas reported, already proven statistically impossible casualty figures include the 20,000 combatants killed by Israel - these subhuman savages don’t count - plus those who died from natural causes, killed by 3000+ misfired rockets or by Hamas thugs directly. It’s truly unbelievable how any Jew with even a sliver of education and moral integrity can fall prey to the 21st century’s mutation of the antisemitism virus and completely deny reality, history and actual facts, while perversely blaming the victim.

History and monuments wiped out? How about every building mined and booby trapped, or deliberately appropriated into a terror base or around tunnel shafts, all to better appeal to their clueless useful idiot enablers in the West? All and much more confirmed by my son who fought in Gaza for eight months.

Who started this war again - supported by a majority of the civilian population - all of whom were alive and well on Oct 6?

It’s a damn good thing your attitude was not prevalent during WW2, all those hundreds of thousands of “innocent” German civilians killed in the desperate fight against the Nazi juggernaut - or they never would have been defeated. And eventually all the self hating Jews in the West would have been herded into the gas chambers, along with everyone they betrayed.

Please name one war in history in which civilians have not been killed. Ancient or modern.

That’s fine, we’ll wait.

Tragically civilians always suffer and die in war. Perhaps it’s best not to start one in the first place. Don’t slaughter a neighboring country’s populace with widespread shocking acts of rape, torture and mutilation - at a rate (1200 massacred in 12 hours) literally comparable to the first pre Israel Holocaust - and then complain when that country retaliates to defend their people.

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You are a liar, a fool or both. Israel is not committing anything like genocide in Gaza. You are the kind of useful idiot that makes our job harder in Israel.

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Thank you, Carol. Thank you.

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You drank the Kool Aid. There’s a reason why the entire world has turned against Israel and it’s NOT because EVERYONE is antisemitic. Why can’t Jews EVER admit that Israel is capable of wrongdoing? Why is Israel quite literally the only country on the planet that is above reproach? You have your figures wrong as well; it’s over 46,000 killed, not to mention that they have eviscerated Gaza and wiped out history and monuments that have existed for centuries. Israel is wiping out history. Have you seen what Gaza looks like? Were the majority of Gazans responsible for October 7th? No. It’s called collective punishment. Israel took a page out of Hitler’s manual. Are Jewish lives more important than other lives? No. Do Palestinians have military financed to the tune of billions by the US. What makes all this worse as that people like you saying it’s not so bad. Only 20,000 civilians have been killed. You’re a monster.

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I’ll just focus on one piece of your insane shit sandwich screed: destroying history. If you really want to see that in high gear, go over to Judea and Samaria (aka ‘West Bank’) and there you’ll find the lovely Palestinian Arabs literally committing archeological jihad every fucking day by vandalizing historic Jewish sites that pre-date the birth of Islam or a single Arab foot being on the soil there by at least 1000 years. Just like their jihadist brothers the Taliban did blowing up giant Buddhas that it stood for 2000 years in Afghanistan, Don’t talk to me about wiping out history.

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This isn’t a place to have this discussion. I’m pulling plug on my end. I’m not interested in arguing politics on this platform. You’re entitled to your opinion and I’m entitled to mine.

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Again, no answer on Hamas. Opinions not backed by historical context are generally weak. - Michael Golden

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I appreciate your not blocking the blood libelous comments posted by a Jewish individual, if only to serve as a wake up call for the rest of us. It can also provide a trigger for an unpleasant but necessary conversation: at what point are such Jews considered beyond salvation and should be denied safe refuge in Israel if (G-d forbid) it is ever necessary? Hopefully this would remain in the theoretical realm, but it is still an important discussion to have.

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By the way, the "Palestinians" have absolutely no history. They are a made up people.

Learn history before making a fool of yourself in public.🤦🏼‍♀️

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That is a despicable racist lie. Educate yourself because your ignorance is showing.

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I don't drink Kool Aid. I'm an Israeli in Israel and I know what's going on here and in Gaza. You know absolutely nothing. Legitimate criticism of Israel is just fine - we criticize our government all the time. But you get your news from leftist rags and are stupid enough to believe them. EVERY SINGLE THING you wrote is wrong. You are a shill for Hamas and just want to be liked and join the Jew-haters.

NEWSFLASH - they hate you too.

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Sadly, the phenomenon of the self hating “kapo Jew” is not uncommon throughout Jewish history. Whether through profound ignorance or some deep seated psychological need (ie Stockholm Syndrome) such individuals turn their backs on their own people, land, culture and history. What they never understand until it is too late is that there is no great success in being on the last train to Auschwitz.

Btw I’m happy to meet anytime for coffee and we can complain together about our current government ;)

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היכן את גרה בארץ?

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And you’re the kind of idiot who believes murdering babies is okay as long as its in the name of Israel.

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You have a very simplistic way of looking at things. Breaks my heart to see it. I would ask you to read Liora's comment above again. Please consider the context.

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The saddest part? It’s a Jewish person spewing a literal blood libel. That Jews revel in the killing of babies.

As if innocent civilians never die in war, especially one their own elected leaders began with an unprovoked invasion and the most savage single day massacre and mass abductions this century.

It would be hard to believe, except that such “kapo” Jews are not uncommon throughout Jewish history. For example, Nicholas Donin of La Rochelle, a Jewish convert to Christianity in early thirteenth-century Paris, is known for his role in the 1240 Disputation of Paris, which resulted in a decree for the public burning of all available manuscripts of the Talmud.

If you’re interested in the origin and evolution of the blood libel, please check out Australian Rabbi James Kennard’s posts on this subject on FB, which as far as I know are still publicly available. Might be from the end of 2023.

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Oh vey. With Jews like you, who needs anti-Semites. Genocide? WTF! Stop slinging blood-libels.

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Sadly, the phenomenon of the self hating “kapo Jew” is not uncommon throughout Jewish history. Whether through profound ignorance or some deep seated psychological need (ie Stockholm Syndrome) such individuals turn their backs on their own people, land, culture and history. What they never understand until it is too late is that there is no great success in being on the last train to Auschwitz.

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I’m so tired of hearing this bullshit. Let’s agree to disagree.

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You drank the Kool Aid. There’s a reason why the entire world has turned against Israel and it’s NOT because EVERYONE is antisemitic. Why can’t Jews EVER admit that Israel is capable of wrongdoing? Why is Israel quite literally the only country on the planet that is above reproach? You have your figures wrong as well; it’s over 46,000 killed, not to mention that they have eviscerated Gaza and wiped out history and monuments that have existed for centuries. Israel is wiping out history. Have you seen what Gaza looks like? Were the majority of Gazans responsible for October 7th? No. It’s called collective punishment. Israel took a page out of Hitler’s manual. Are Jewish lives more important than other lives? No. Do Palestinians have military financed to the tune of billions by the US. What makes all this worse as that people like you saying it’s not so bad. Only 20,000 civilians have been killed. You’re a monster.

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My, God. Even more heartbreaking. But beyond what you wrote above, which is not worth another playing out of an old argument that goes nowhere, there's just one question that you still need to answer. Israel has made peace with several surrounding Arab regimes. But if Hamas's stated goal is to not have Jews or Israel exist -- at all -- how do we go about improving the lives of Palestinians under their rule? Millions of Jews would like to see the Palestinians who are NOT antisemitic rise up and stand up a governing body that could NEGOTIATE. Without that, all other arguments fall flat. It's just basic logic. (comment posted by Michael Golden, not the entire JEWDICIOUS team) https://jewdicious.substack.com/p/israels-stand-for-american-values

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I’ll agree that this sitcom isn’t creating anti-semitism per se, but I do feel it made Jewish women seem like a pretty ridiculous group. Now one could argue that many rom coms make women in general look foolish or stereotypically obsessed with weddings and getting married etc. But I did find the stereotypes in this one to be particularly condescending.

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Ok, I wrote the article, and it was about the far more trivial matter of poorly portraying the Jewish women in a mainstream tv series. But the fact that a light article about a tv series can cause such anger suggests to me that this is why the portrayal of Jewish folk, like any other minority of ethnic group, is worthy of being handled with care and empathy and a respect for the multi-dimensionality that is people. Just like any other ethnic group.

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Oh, my God — such an awesome response. Debbie, you have done JEWDICIOUS proud: An article that makes a clear point, touches a nerve and touches off conversation. PLEASE keep ‘em coming!!

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🙏🙏🙏Thank you Michael for this platform—for all of us and what we need to say.

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